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5627 GA Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+31 (0)40 293 25 25


RISE 2020 digital edition is now available

RISE, the official magazine of ISE 2020, is now available as a digital edition. It’s full of information to help you get the most from your visit to the show – including booking flights and accommodation, finding your way around the RAI, and comprehensive coverage of the events taking place before and during the show. There are also updates from AVIXA and CEDIA, insights into the market trends that will be reflected on the show floor, plus as a full exhibitor listing.

Go the website and download this brand new 72-page publication and start your preparations for the biggest ISE show ever!

Say ‘¡Hola Barcelona!’ on the last day of ISE 2020

As ISE prepares to leave Amsterdam and move to Barcelona in 2021, a special lunchtime event on Friday 14 February will mark this key moment in ISE history.

The ¡Hola Barcelona! Event will take place at midday in the Forum. Integrated Systems Events Managing Director Mike Blackman will host the event, in which ISE will say ‘thank you and goodbye’ to Amsterdam and the RAI and look ahead to Barcelona in 2021. Representatives of Catalan and Spanish government and business organisations will talk about the opportunities afforded by the show’s relocation. ¡Hola Barcelona! is scheduled to last 35 minutes and will be followed by a drinks reception.